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EMGEīs FinFin Homepage

Homepage-Design generally


Language selection page design

Nadine S.
(From elements of the FinFin software)

Main page design

Nadine S.

Old FinFin-Homepage

FUJITSU Computer GmbH 1997 / 1998

FinFinīs World design

( Map: FUJITSU )

FinFinīs World animal and plant descriptions

Source (Japanese):
German translation: ---Unnamed---
English translation: "Dresha"

Downloads-Overview design

Nadine S.

Downloads Software

Programming XP-Patch FinFin V7.0:
Sebastian Ochs

Programming Lemopack-Viewer:
Sebastian Ochs

Screensavers sent in by:
Original source: FinFin Fun Pak

Games overview design

Nadine S.

TEO-Memory pictures design

Nadine S.
"Dresha" (9 pictures for "Very hard")

Forum sign design

Nadine S.

Gallery overview design

Nadine S.

Art gallery

Artist (number of pictures)

Nadine S. (44)
Stephanie (4)
Johanne (2)
Jasmin (2)
Luise (2)
Sarah (1)
"EMGE" (1)
"Dresha" (1)
Moni (1)
Amanda (1)
Lisa (1)
Torben (1)
Julia (1)
Jenni (1)
Kaya (1)
T.C.P. (1)
Anna (1)
---Unnamed--- (1)

(Thanks to all the illustrators)

Art gallery (Nadineīs area) design

Nadine S.

Gallery coloring book

Source: FinFin Coloring Book
(FinFin Fun Pak)
German translation: "Dresha"

Gallery 3D-Animations videos

Nadine S. (Created with "Spore")
Benjamin Effner
Andy - livinginteo/optimalotter

Gallery Extras

FinFin Microsoft Agent Animations
extracted and sending in by: Jaden (JadeTank)

Gallery Versions and other products

Various pictures sent in by:

Thomas Becker (also MP3s from
Japanese Music-CD)
Christian Hussong (TEO Calendar)

FAQ design

Nadine S.

Homepage English translation


Credits design

Nadine S.

Credits music

two 4 fun (Featuring FinFin & Nina)
"FinFin, come and see him" (E)

Yoko Ueno
"TEO - The Other Earth" (J)


Providing the "Deluxe Edition"

Procurement of the 6-Worlds-Version

Christian Hussong
Providing of several FinFin versions
(including 6-Worlds)
and the FinFin Animated Storybook

Harald G.
Patch for the 6-World-Version:
- In german
- Runs up to Windows 7

Send in of the "Double Lunar Eclipse" video

...and all that I have forgotten.

* * *

FinFin Credits

Executive Producer

Macoto Tezka

Vice President of Production Studio

Patrick Ford


Naoko Koike-Clime

Art Director

Yla Okudaira

Technical Director

Koichi Murakami

Quality Assurance Manager

Andrew Nolley

Technical Advisor

Koichi Omura

Help File

Derek Greenberg

Lead Tester

Tirso Ruelas

Music Composer & Sound Engineer

Chuji Akagi


Peter Clark
John Hamilton
Kelly Crocker


Masatomo Yazaki
Yositaka Sugiura
Soichi Nishiyama
Masayuki Kobayashi

Encyclopedia Development

Astonish, Inc.

Fujitsu Interactive Inc. 1997