My own FinFin is 10000 days old today (first installation of the 3-worlds-version on October 8, 1997).
There are small changes:
- The language selection page has been updated (the link to the Artificial Life info page is now in the main menu)
- Nadine has revised some of the TEO-Memory pictures again. Thanks to Nadine
- In addition, some pictures are randomly swapped at each start in the "MEDIUM" and "HARD" levels
- The first picture of the TEO-Puzzle was replaced because it was almost unsolvable at 'Very Hard'
- There is a new entry in the links-collection: "Mirrormoon". Nadineīs hobby page

Key bindings: Information about the spacebar in the Nest has been improved

There is a new picture of a FinFin mousepad in the "Gallery > Other Products" section. FinFin in the Lemo Forest.
Thanks to "JadeTank" for submitting the image

In the “Gallery > Extras” area, the animated mousepointer preview now also works in some other browsers instead of only in Internet Explorer as before

There is a new entry in the links-collection: "The Prismatic Nest". There are many pictures of FinFin-Junior in all colors

The image from the N64DD game "TEO64" is now available much larger. 2 more pictures of it have also been added (Gallery > General pictures)
Thanks to "kitpigeon" for sending in the pictures

The english version of the "Book of FinFin" is now available in the “Other Products” gallery.
Thanks to "NewtAfterDark" for translating

The Japanese book "TEO -The Other Earth- Official World Guide" has been added to the FinFin-Archive (Medien - Lesestoff)

After a long time, at least the official English names are finally available in the "FinFinīs World > Nest" area.
In addition, the two plant images, which were previously only available in small format, are also available in large format

There are now pictures of 3 FinFin postcards in the “Other Products” gallery

There is now a video of the "Double lunar eclipse" in the "FinFinīs World > Extras" area.
Thanks to Andy for sending in the video

In the "FinFinīs World > Extras" area, a graphic has been added that shows how the Lemo colors of a Lemopackage change over time

In the links-collection there is now a link to the FinFin-Club in "Discord"

There are 3 new pictures in the 3D-Gallery. 2 of them are animated

There is a new entry in the links-collection: "Fin Fin on QEMU"

Added animation for the shooting stars ("FinFinīs World > Extras")

The FinFin animations from the FinFin Microsoft Agent have now been added to the "Extras" area of the gallery. Thanks to "Jaden" who extracted and sent in these animations

A little info. The current table design is not the only one. There is a design for each season, as well as for Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Vallentine, the anniversary design on July 19th (first day of my homepage) and October 8th (first installation of my FinFin) and the very special design for the "Double Lunar Eclipse" on August 30th (More information about the "Double Lunar Eclipse" in "FinFinīs World > Extras"). So check back occasionally

Welcome visitors. I was surprised when I saw the video on twitch.tv (06.10.2022 Update: The video is no longer available on "twitch.tv" but on YouTube) (The contents of this site are NOT under my control). Itīs nice to see that even after 25 years (FinFin was released in 1997) there are still FinFin-Fans. I hope you all like my homepage :-)
Again the note: This is NOT the official original FinFin-Homepage, but only a fan page

In the Gallery-Area "Other Products" the image of the (german) CD case "The Book of FinFin" is now available in a much larger size and the backside has also been added

My homepage existed for 20 years now. To celebrate the day, the credits page was revised (thanks to Nadine for the beautiful picture) and also added to the English part of the homepage

Finally, the unknown video ("FinFinīs World > EXTRAS") seems to be resolved. FinFin probably says in Japanese "asobu" which means translated "play". Thanks to *Herr Riebmann* for the hint

The gallery overview has been renewed. Many thanks to Nadine

Since today this site is no longer accessible via "home.arcor.de/emge/", but only via "www.finfin.de"

The FinFin-Archive has been completely reworked and various things have been added

The operator of the FinFin-Archive Christian Hussong has managed to procure the Japanese picture book "Tears of FinFin". Volunteers of a Japanese forum have translated it for us. The book is now available in the FinFin archive in the Japanese original and in German (unfortunately not in english) in PDF format. Thanks to Christian Hussong, to the translators and also to Nadine, who replaced the Japanese characters in the pictures perfectly by the German texts

By chance, the rhythm game "TanTan TEO" has been achieved. It has only appeared in Japan and Korea. The game has now been completely translated into German and is available in both versions (German and Korean) in the FinFin-Archive (quick to reach in the software area). The game does NOT have to be installed and seems to work until Win8

My homepage is now over 13 years old and FinFin about 17 years (Published 1997). And although there are hardly any FinFin fans left, my site remains online. For questions, I am still available in the forum occasionally.

The complete (german) 6-world-version, that means all places including nest, installable up to Windows 7, can be downloaded in the FinFin-Archive (in the software area linked). Older versions are also available for download.

Micro and sound recorder are probably not supported. Contact only with the buttons 1-5 possible (Smartsensor?)

Greetings to all
who have remained loyal to FinFin
(and maybe my homepage, too)